If you’re planning on coming to one of our events, please read and follow our Code of Conduct to ensure a safe, fun and consensual environment is maintained for everyone.



Sexual consent is where a person has the ability and freedom to agree to sexual activity. Sexual activity without consent is an offence under law.

The person seeking or initiating sex is responsible for getting consent. You can confirm if you have consent both verbally and by checking the other person’s body language.

You have the right to say ‘No’ to anything you don’t want to do or are uncomfortable with. You also must respect another person’s right to say ‘No’ to you.

People passed out or too affected by drugs or alcohol can’t give consent.

If something doesn’t feel right or isn’t working, you have the right to stop – consent can be withdrawn at any time. Once consent is withdrawn you must stop engaging in sexual activity immediately. If you feel pressured or threatened, speak to one of our event team members or a member of the venue’s staff straight away, they’re there to help.

You’ll find some really excellent resources to help you understand consent at www.consentiseverything.com

For Victoria Police’s legal position on sexual offences and and their definitions, visit www.police.vic.gov.au/sexual-offences


It can make for an awkward situation to have someone come onto you that you’re not into but it can also be embarrassing for them to be rejected publicly.

Being polite to and respectful of each other, and of everyone’s personal space means no one needs to be embarrassed and you can continue looking for what you’re after.

Often LGBTQIA+ people have experiences of being treated poorly by other people in public places because of their gender, sexuality or mannerisms. We want our events and our community generally to be a safe environment for everyone and that starts with us and how we behave towards others.


Gender Sensibility

We’ve prepared some ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ for when you engage with people with experiences of diverse genders and sexualities:

  • Don’t assume someone’s gender based on their appearance.
  • Do ask someone what pronouns they use. Pronouns are how we refer to people when we don’t use someone’s name – such he, him, they, them, she, her. For example, If you ask “What pronouns do you use?”, someone might answer “I use the pronouns he and him”, or, “I use they and them”.
  • Don’t ask probing questions. It can be very offensive to ask questions about someone’s experiences of being a particular gender, or of their medical history.
  • Don’t ask questions about someone’s sex life or their relationships unless they invite you to discuss this.

Here’s a good example of an inclusive language guide from Midsumma: Midsumma’s Inclusive language Guide

Social nudity is an opportunity for us to step outside of the conventions imposed upon us by ‘normal’ society. It gives us the opportunity to express ourselves and share ideas free of the literal and figurative barriers that constrain us like the clothes we are told to wear, the prescriptions and judgements of the people who tell us to wear them and under which we often hide or use as protection. Nudity can be confronting, exhilarating and liberating, all at the same time. All of us have physical characteristics that make us different and some of us are more sensitive about those differences than others. It is important that we don’t exploit the vulnerability of others when it is unlocked through social nudity, especially those who are experiencing these powerful feelings for the first time.

Do be respectful to everyone.

Don’t comment on or laugh at someone’s appearance.

No mobile phones, cameras and recording devices are allowed at our events and must be cloaked if you have brought one with you.


Condoms will do a good job at protecting you from some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) but not all. So a good testing regime is important to keep you covered.

The best way to stay safe is to keep up your regular HIV & STI testing, and use the tools that work for you – condoms, dental dams, PrEP, UVL, PEP, etc.

Non Compliance:

If you fail to respect the Code of Conduct you’ll be asked to leave the event immediately and escorted from the building. If it is alleged you have acted unlawfully, the police will be called.  We want to create a safe, enjoyable and fun experience for everyone. Our team will do our best to achieve this but we can’t be everywhere at once. If you notice someone breaching the Code of Conduct, or if someone is making you feel uncomfortable, or something just doesn’t feel right, please inform our team or venue staff immediately. Our team members can be found at the cloaking desk and when moving about the venue, will have ‘Team’ written on their body or will be wearing high visibility vests so that you can distinguish them from patrons. Venue staff will be fully clothed.

Thank-you – we really appreciate your support!